
General solving concepts in models' design




The paper is an exploratory research regarding the identification of some of the basic ideas used to conceive solutions of general-defined problems. In this way, there is firstly presented the set of ideas used to choose the type of model to be developed. The general problem solver and the related problems are also presented in the paper. In this case there is used a greedy approach which may lead to large run time values of the according software. To significantly decrease the computer time used to solve such a problem, there is also presented a method used to minimize the search space of the candidate solutions, in this case being used an intelligent solver, that is more effective than the greedy method. Two examples of models based on the previously presented general directions are also given. The first example presents an algorithm used to solve an equilibrium problem in ship strength problems. The second example is in electronic engineering. The ideas presented in the paper are important to identify the concepts employed to design modeling strategies and also for the development of the original software instruments structured as reusable libraries.



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