首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Community Development >Implication of Constitutional Court Decisions No. 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018 Concerning Judicial Review of General Election Laws on the Existence of Representative Institutions in Indonesia

Implication of Constitutional Court Decisions No. 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018 Concerning Judicial Review of General Election Laws on the Existence of Representative Institutions in Indonesia

机译:关于宪法法院决定的含义30 / Puu-xvi / 2018关于对印度尼西亚代表机构存在的司法审查司法审查



Changes in Indonesian state administration after the amendments of the 1945 Constitution included changes relating to people's representative institutions. After the amendment to the 1945 Constitution the representative body of the people consisted of the People's Consultative Assembly, the House of Representatives and the Regional Representative Board. The existence of the House of Representative and the Regional Representative Board in the Indonesian constitutional system which all its members are members of the People's Consultative Assembly does not mean that the Indonesian representative system adheres to a bicameral representation system. Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018 concerning Judicial review of the General Election Law states that the phrase "other work" in Article 182 letter 1 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and does not have the legal force conditionally binding as long as it is not it also means that the political party functionaries. This has implications for the existence of the Regional Representative Board whose initial ideas were regional representations that were truly realized and not distorted in the practice of state life due to the absence of restrictions regarding nomination requirements, especially those related to the management of political parties.
机译:印尼国家行政变更1945年宪法的修改后包括与人的代表机构的变化。该修订1945年宪法之后,人民的代表机构组成的人民协商会议,众议院和区域代表董事会。代表院和区域代表董事会在印尼宪法制度,所有的成员都在人民协商会议成员的存在并不意味着印尼代表系统附着在两院代表制。一般选举法,宪法法院30号/ PUU-16/2018关于司法审查的决定指出,在第182条本法信1 2017年7号短语“其他工作”有关大选是违背了1945年宪法并且不具有法律效力,只要它是不是有条件地结合这也意味着,政治党的工作。这对区域代表委员会,其最初的想法是这是真正实现和生活状态的做法由于缺乏关于提名要求,特别是有关政党的管理限制不失真区域表示的存在意义。



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