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College Students' Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Innovation and Development Concept




The ideological and political education of college students has the characteristics of effectiveness, pertinence and time. In the new era, the traditional ideological and political education mode and thought can no longer meet the requirements of the development of education. In this paper, based on the concept of innovation, this paper briefly discusses the significance of college students' ideological and political education innovation, and puts forward innovative suggestions from the perspectives of educational content, educational concepts and educational carriers. Innovation is the mainstream thinking of the current era development, especially pointing out the new development direction of the development of education. It is also an important way to promote the continuous improvement of traditional college students' ideological and political education and improve their effectiveness. The ideological and political education of college students should keep pace with the times, conform to the trend of education reform and development, actively innovate, take the initiative to meet the challenges brought about by ideological and political education in the new era and realize the sustainable development of ideological and political education to bring positive and beneficial effects to the overall development of college students.



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