首页> 外文会议>Conference on Asia Pasific Education >Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management: A Case Study of 6th Semester Students in Educational Innovation Course, English Education Program, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang Academic Year 2018

Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management: A Case Study of 6th Semester Students in Educational Innovation Course, English Education Program, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang Academic Year 2018

机译:利用谷歌驱动器在提高自我监管学习的有效性(SRL)管理:以教育创新课程第6个学期学生为例,英语教育计划,英语教育计划,Singaperbangsa Karawang 2018年学年



This research focuses on measuring the contribution of famous Googfe Drive (G-Drive) application in enhancing the effectiveness of students' Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). Learning effectiveness is largely determined by several factors such as supportive classroom climate, learning opportunity, curricular alignment, learning orientation establishment, coherent content, thoughtful discourse, practice and application activities, scaffolding students' task engagement, strategy teaching, co-operative learning, goal-oriented assessment, and achievement expectations. In addition, information and communication technology is very helpful in exploring the world with unlimited resources (empowerment), providing the right choice of devices, giving space to work together in real-time (team work), and being affordable as well as easy managed (scalability). This study used qualitative approach to depict or describe the general overview of the use of G-Drive in learning process and the effectiveness of independent learning. This isa case study researchbased on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. The results show that G-Drivehas provided benefits to learning management in the forms of following aspects: learning management, teaching materials, self-assessment, learning development tools, communication tools, completeness and management tools of students. In conclusion, learning with G-Driversulted on active learning, more authentic activities, developed students' metacognition, fostered intrinsic motivation, and improved students' responsibility.
机译:本研究以测量提高学生的自我调节学习(SRL)的有效性著名Googfe驱动器(G-驱动器)应用的贡献。学习的有效性在很大程度上取决于几个因素,如支持的课堂氛围,学习的机会,课程定位,学习导向建立的,连贯的内容,体贴的话语,实践和应用活动,脚手架学生的任务参与,策略教学,合作学习,目标确定取向评估和成就期望。此外,信息和通信技术是探索世界与无限的资源(授权),提供设备的正确选择,实时(团队合作)一起给予空间来工作,并且是实惠非常有帮助,以及方便管理(可扩展)。本研究采用定性的方法来描绘或描述了使用G-驱动器的一般概述在学习过程和自主学习的有效性。此研究 - 基于单个个人,团体或事件的深入调查ISA案例研究探讨的基本原理的原因。结果表明,G-Drivehas在以下几个方面的学习形式,管理提供益处:学习管理,教材,自我评价,学习开发工具,通讯工具,完整性和学生的管理工具。总之,主动学习,更真实的活动,发展学生的元认知,培养内在动机,并提高学生的责任与G-Driversulted学习。



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