首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Ecological Studies >The Sectarian Characteristics of Rinzai-Zen Songgu Poetry in the Song Dynasty

The Sectarian Characteristics of Rinzai-Zen Songgu Poetry in the Song Dynasty




The number of Rinzai-Zen Songgu poems in the Song Dynasty is very large, which aslo shows remarkable sectarian characteristics. On the one hand, Rinzai-Zen Masters are good at using metaphors, and most of their ancestor metaphors, self-nature metaphors and illustration metaphors in the Songgu poetry are special metaphors belonging to Rinzai-Zen. On the other hand, the methods that regarding depreciation as praise, being uninhibited and violent style features and the use of predecessors' overbearing verses are all direct presentation of the inarguable and lively spiritual appearance of Rinzai-Zen.
机译:宋代的Rinzai-Zen Songgu Poems的数量非常大,Aslo展示了非凡的宗派特征。一方面,Rinzai-Zen Masters擅长使用隐喻,以及他们的大部分祖先隐喻,宋武诗歌中的自然隐喻和图隐喻是属于Rinzai-Zen的特殊隐喻。另一方面,关于折旧作为赞美的方法,不拘禁,不拘禁和暴力风格的特征以及前身霸道的经文的使用都是直接介绍Rinzai-Zen的无法形容和活泼的精神出现。



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