首页> 外文会议>Universitas Indonesia International Psychological Symposium for Undergraduate Research >Influence of Mate-Copying Tendencies through Simulated Attraction on Perceived Physical Attractiveness of Opposite Sex in Women

Influence of Mate-Copying Tendencies through Simulated Attraction on Perceived Physical Attractiveness of Opposite Sex in Women




This study is a replication of Dunn and Doria's (2010) research, which intends to see the effect of mate-copying tendencies among young adult women in perceiving the level of physical attractiveness of the opposite sex. Mate-copying tendencies can emerge in various forms, one of which is through simulated attraction that is shown through a photograph of a man surrounded by several women who show interested gestures towards him. The dependent variable was measured using a single item that measured perceived physical attractiveness of the male model in Likert scale (1-10). A total of 73 undergraduate students from Universitas Indonesia (average age = 19.6, SD = 1.48) participated in this study. The statistical analysis result using independent sample t-test showed a significant difference in perceived physical attractiveness score between the experimental group and control group (t (71) = 2.048, p = 0.044). The females who were given a photograph of the male model posing with several female models had a higher perceived physical attractiveness score for the male (M = 5.24, SD = 1.342) than those who were given a stand-alone male model photo (M = 4.61, SD = 1.293). The implications of this study on interpersonal relationships may explain why sometimes men who are engaged with other women are viewed as more attractive.
机译:本研究是Dunn和Doria(2010)研究的复制,该研究旨在看到年轻成年女性在感知异性的身体吸引力水平方面的伴侣复制趋势的影响。交配倾向可以以各种形式出现,其中一个是通过模拟吸引力,通过一张由几个女性包围的男人展示了对他的兴趣姿态的男人所示的模拟吸引力。使用单个项目测量依赖变量,该项目测量了李克特量表(1-10)中的男性模型的感知物理吸引力。来自Universitas Indonesia(平均年龄= 19.6,SD = 1.48)的总共73名本科生参与了这项研究。使用独立样品T检验的统计分析结果显示实验组和对照组之间的感知物理吸引力评分显着差异(T(71)= 2.048,P = 0.044)。赋予与几个女性模型的男性模型的照片的女性对雄性(M = 5.24,SD = 1.342)的感知物理吸引力得分高于给予独立的男性模型照片的人(M = 4.61,sd = 1.293)。这项研究对人际关系的影响可以解释为什么有时与其他女性一起参与的人被视为更具吸引力。



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