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Identifying the Pattern of Organizational Culture in Indonesian Government Agencies




This study aims to map the pattern of organizational culture in government agencies, which refers to Edgar H Schein's concept of organizational culture research, namely group norms, principles, ideology, leadership policy, unwritten rules in the organization, the feelings that appear in the group, language with group members including with new members, understanding, the way to form groups and to celebrate events. Using case study research method, the researchers collected the data needed using in-depth interview technique towards 17 key informants. The result of the research shows that the pattern of organizational culture of government agencies in Indonesia is patterned on, first, the enactment of regulations by the government in the form of law, in effect to all government agencies, values, rituals, organizational climates, including individual expectations serving as reference in behaving and communicating implemented in the form of jargon among members of the organization. Secondly, the pattern of mixing the existing and new institution values. Third, patterned on the direction and policy of the highest management.
机译:本研究旨在映射政府机构的组织文化模式,这是指Edgar H Schein的组织文化研究的概念,即组织规范,原则,意识形态,领导政策,组织中的不成文规则,集团出现的感受,与团体成员的语言,包括新成员,了解,形成群体的方式和庆祝活动。使用案例研究研究方法,研究人员收集了使用深入访谈技术对17个关键信息人员所需的数据。该研究结果表明,印度尼西亚政府机构组织文化模式是模式的,首先是政府以法律形式制定条例,实际上对所有政府机构,价值观,仪式,组织气候有效,包括作为在本组织成员国的行话形式行为和沟通的行为和沟通方面的个人期望。其次,混合现有和新机构价值的模式。第三,在最高管理的方向和政策上进行图案。



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