首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences >Plant diversity of building materials in yard based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village, Cimanggu Sub-district, Banten

Plant diversity of building materials in yard based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village, Cimanggu Sub-district, Banten

机译:基于阳光村,Cimanggu Subs,Banten的Cimurial Village阳光村域楼宇建筑材料的植物多样性



Research regarding plant diversity of building materials in yard based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village, Cimanggu Sub-district has been done. This research was aimed to find out the utilization and diversity of plant species that used as building materials based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village yard. This research used semi-structured interviews and open-ended. The interview results shown that Sundanese Community is known and used thirty-seven (37) plant species from eighteen (18) families as building materials. The most widely used plant species is the family of Fabaceae. These plants have been cultivated by Sundanese Community in Ciburial Village. The tree trunk was the part of the plant that used as building materials. The used of logs have been distinguished into five components, i.e., roof, wall, floor, door and window.
机译:基于Sundanese社区观点的围场围场建材植物多样性研究,Cimanggu分区已经完成。该研究旨在了解植物物种的利用率和多样性,这些物种用作基于Ciburial Village Yard中的阳光群落的观点的建筑材料。这项研究使用了半结构化访谈和开放式。面试结果表明,阳光群落已知并从十八(18)家庭作为建筑材料中的三十七(37)个植物物种。最广泛使用的植物物种是Fabaceae的家族。这些植物已被仙人群落在阴皮村耕种。树干是用作建筑材料的工厂的一部分。使用的日志被区别为五个部件,即屋顶,墙壁,地板,门窗。



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