首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >Experimental Research in English Reading Classroom Instruction of Non-English Major Junior College Students from the Perspective of Jigsaw IV

Experimental Research in English Reading Classroom Instruction of Non-English Major Junior College Students from the Perspective of Jigsaw IV

机译:jigsaw IV视角下非英英初级大学生英语阅读课堂教学的实验研究



It is taken for granted that traditional instruction method in EFL classroom is useful, such as grammar translation method, induction method and deduction method, etc. However, there is an argument against this approach, especially for non-English major junior college students. For the non-English major junior college students, it may put them tired and bored in English reading class. The author considered that the theory of cooperative language learning lays a theoretical foundation for the study of non-English major junior college students in EFL teaching, so this paper presents an experimental research in English reading classroom from the perspective of Jigsaw IV. The research is carried out in two classes, of which one is traditional grammar translation method class; the other is the experimental class of Jigsaw reading. The result of the research is that students in the experimental are more active and effective than the traditional English reading class. The application of Jigsaw IV aims to help students improve their active participation, learning confidence, communicative ability and get better English reading achievement. The research has proved that it is more effective to take Jigsaw IV approach in English reading class for junior college students.
机译:它被认为是理所当然的,传统的教学方法在EFL教室中是有用的,例如语法翻译方法,归纳方法和扣除方法等,但是,对这种方法有一个争论,特别是对于非英语主要的初级大学生。对于非英语专业的初级大学生,它可能会让他们累于英语阅读课。作者认为,合作语言学习理论为非英语专业初级大学生在EFL教学中提出了一个理论基础,因此本文从拼图游道IV的角度介绍了英语阅读课堂的实验研究。该研究是在两个类中进行的,其中一个是传统的语法翻译方法类;另一方是拼图阅读的实验类。研究结果是,实验中的学生比传统的英语阅读课更积极和有效。七棱镜IV的应用旨在帮助学生提高积极参与,学习信心,交际能力,并获得更好的英语阅读成就。该研究证明,在英语大学生英语阅读课上采取jigsaw IV方法更有效。



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