首页> 外文会议>International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga >Model of Government Policy in Reproductive Health Services (In the study of gender equality and women's empowerment)

Model of Government Policy in Reproductive Health Services (In the study of gender equality and women's empowerment)




Based on SDKI 2012, the rate of maternal deaths was 359 per 100.000. This number is high compared to other ASEAN countries. Reproductive health is a part of human rights and one of SGD's goals. This article is a result of legal research which analysed health regulations in supporting the implementation of reproductive health developments. The government has made relevant policies to provide reproductive health for people such as maternity waiting house provision, policies in reducing delivery assistance by shamans, extra funds and education both for the community and for couples who are planning for marriage. Nevertheless, these policies haven't been supported by the appropriate regulations yet, therefore the legal bindings and law enforcement are less than optimal and are not able to continue on the policies at their strongest for future leadership.
机译:基于SDKI 2012,产妇死亡率为每100.000每100.000。与其他东盟国家相比,这个数字很高。生殖健康是人权的一部分和社团目标之一。本文是法律研究的结果,分析了支持生殖健康发展实施的卫生条例。政府已向有关政策,为诸如产妇等候房屋规定,政策减少巫师,额外资金和教育的政策,为社区和正在规划婚姻的夫妇提供劳动力。尽管如此,这些政策还没有得到适当的规定支持,因此法律绑定和执法人员仍然不到最佳,并且无法在最强大的政策中继续为未来的领导地位。



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