首页> 外文会议>International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga >Analysis of The Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Performances in Listed Firms at The Jakarta Islamic Index

Analysis of The Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Performances in Listed Firms at The Jakarta Islamic Index




Indonesia fully supports the United Nations by designing and legalising Constitution No. 17 2004 about the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Presidential Decree No. 61 2011 about the National Action Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Presidential Decree No. 71 2011 about the Inventory Operation of National Greenhouse Gas. The energy sector in Indonesia contributes 20% of greenhouse gas emission with the annual percentage increasing to 3.5% which comes from the burning of fossil fuels to boost Indonesia's national economy. Since 1995, the Indonesian government has issued a policy about the Corporate Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management or PROPER (Program Penilaian Pemeringkatan Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan). The result of the ranking is in the form of the colours of gold, green, blue, red, and black. Al-Qur'an in Surah Al-A'raf verse 56 and Surah Ar-Rum verse 41 states that those of the Islamic faith are ordered to maintain the world's environment. The research sample consists of 150 listed firms in the Jakarta Islamic Index at the end of each year from 2012 to 2016. This research uses the quantitative methodology with binary logistic regression and multinominal regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that corporate performance, profitability in the form of ROA and ROE, firm size and environmental performance are not significant influences related to the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. But, through the Classification Table, the output shows that the logistic regression model used is good enough because it was able to predict correctly as much as 89.3% of the conditions. Whereas corporate performance, profitability in ROA and ROE, and firm size are significant influences on the environmental performance of the company. This proves that the listed firms in JII have good environmental performance in accordance with corporate performance, profitability and firm size.
机译:印度尼西亚通过设计和合法化2004年第17股关于京都议定书的宪法宪法,全面支持联合国,关于“联合国气候变化框架公约”,2011年总统法令对国家行动计划减少温室气体排放,总统法令没有。2011年71关于全国温室气体的库存运作。印度尼西亚的能源部门占温室气体排放量的20%,年百分比增长至3.5%,这来自化石燃料的燃烧,促进印度尼西亚的国民经济。自1995年以来,印度尼西亚政府已在环境管理或适当方面发布了关于企业绩效评级计划的政策(计划PemeringKatan Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan)。排名的结果是金,绿色,蓝色,红色和黑色的颜色的形式。在苏兰·奥拉夫诗歌第56节和苏兰·兰姆节(Surah Ar-Rum Verse 41)中,伊斯兰信仰的人被命令维持世界的环境。 2012年至2016年,研究样本由雅加达伊斯兰指数的150家上市公司组成,从2012年至2016年开始。该研究使用了二元逻辑回归和多语入回归分析的定量方法。该研究的结果表明,企业绩效,ROA和ROE形式的盈利能力,坚定的规模和环境绩效并不重要的影响与温室气体排放的披露。但是,通过分类表,输出显示使用的逻辑回归模型足够好,因为它能够将其正确预测到89.3%的条件。而企业绩效,ROA和ROE的盈利能力,以及坚定的规模对公司环境绩效的重大影响。这证明了JII上市公司根据公司绩效,盈利能力和公司规模具有良好的环境绩效。



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