首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval >Do They All Look the Same? Deciphering Chinese, Japanese and Koreans by Fine-Grained Deep Learning

Do They All Look the Same? Deciphering Chinese, Japanese and Koreans by Fine-Grained Deep Learning




We study to what extend Chinese, Japanese and Korean faces can be classified and which facial attributes offer the most important cues. First, we propose a novel way of ob- taining large numbers of facial images with nationality la- bels. Then we train state-of-the-art neural networks with these labeled images. We are able to achieve an accuracy of 75.03% in the classification task, with chances being 33.33% and human accuracy 49% . Further, we train mul- tiple facial attribute classifiers to identify the most distinc- tive features for each group. We find that Chinese, Japanese and Koreans do exhibit substantial differences in certain at- tributes, such as bangs, smiling, and bushy eyebrows. Along the way, we uncover several gender-related cross-country patterns as well. Our work, which complements existing APIs such as Microsoft Cognitive Services and Face++, could find potential applications in tourism, e-commerce, social media marketing, criminal justice and even counter- terrorism.
机译:我们研究中文延伸的延伸,日本和韩国面孔可以分类,哪些面部属性提供最重要的提示。首先,我们提出了一种新颖的方式与国籍La-Bels的大量面部形象。然后我们用这些标记的图像训练最先进的神经网络。我们能够在分类任务中获得75.03 %的准确性,有可能的机会33.33 %和人类准确性49 %。此外,我们训练多个面部属性分类器来确定每个组的最小特征。我们发现中国人,日语和韩国人在某些情况下表现出大量差异,例如刘海,微笑和浓密的眉毛。一路上,我们也发现了几种与性别相关的越野模式。我们的工作,它补充了现有的API,如Microsoft认知服务和面部++,可以在旅游,电子商务,社交媒体营销,刑事司法甚至反恐中找到潜在的应用。



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