首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ethics in Governance >Thoughts and Practices on Public Policy Making and Accountability in Era of Khulafa Rosyidin's Government as a Concept, Theory and Model of Public Administration

Thoughts and Practices on Public Policy Making and Accountability in Era of Khulafa Rosyidin's Government as a Concept, Theory and Model of Public Administration

机译:Khulafa Rosyidin政府时代公共政策制定与问责制的思想与实践,作为公共行政理论和模式的概念,理论与模式



There is theoretical and conceptual crisis and empirical problems of the modern public administration especially in the public policy making and accountability that represented by Old Public Administration (OPA), New Public Administration (NPA) and the New Public servce (NPS) paradigm and the New Public Management (NPM) as a very dominant and hegemonic paradigm today. The main aim of research is to explore their public policy making and accountability and formulate them theoretically as a concept, theory and model of modern public administration. The study using library research methods with critical history approach. The main sources are using Arabic literatures. The result of study are participative model of policy making, democratic and trancendental accountability.



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