首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ethics in Governance >Symbolic Capital of Hindu in Local Islamic Sasak Ethnic Ritual in Bayan District

Symbolic Capital of Hindu in Local Islamic Sasak Ethnic Ritual in Bayan District




Tradition and religion local Islamic Sasak ethnic ritual in Bayan district often use ritual symbols as sacrificial. The existence of symbols used is one of Hindu capital's identity in Panca Yadnya ritual, such as big ceremony (begawe beleq). Furthermore, in the social structure symbol of local Islamic figure in Bayan district has similarities with Hindu. The three central figures pervade: Pemangku, Pembekel, and Penghulu. Pemangku is in charge for customs and agriculture in his village, Pembekel is dealing with village government and marriage, and Penghulu is in charge to overcome religion and death. Religious regulation is always performed using sacred symbols in ritual activity at Pedewak, Old Mosque (Masjid Kuno), and tomb. As for traditional rituals and religious symbols of local Islamic Sasak Ethnic, in principle can be divided into three types associated with traditional religion (gamma), customs outside religion (lwir gamma) and customs related to life and death.
机译:在巴彦区的传统和宗教当地伊斯兰萨萨克民族仪式经常使用仪式符号作为牺牲。使用的符号存在是印度资本在Panca Yadnya仪式中的身份之一,如大仪式(Begawe Beleq)。此外,在巴彦区当地伊斯兰人物的社会结构象征与印度教的相似之处。三个中央数字普遍:Pemangku,Pembekel和Penghulu。 Pembangku在他村庄的海关和农业负责,Pembekel正在处理村政府和婚姻,Penghulu负责克服宗教和死亡。宗教法规始终在佩德克,老清真寺(Masjid Kuno)和坟墓中使用圣符号进行仪式活动。至于当地伊斯兰萨萨克民族的传统仪式和宗教象征,原则上可以分为与传统宗教(伽玛)相关的三种类型,宗教外面的海关(LWIR Gamma)和与生命和死亡相关的习俗。



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