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The Formation and Development of Chen Tanqiu's Marxist view on the Eve of the Great Revolution




When it comes to marxist theory of china, from its germination to development, and to maturity, its process had been very tortuous. Under the dual oppression of imperialism and feudalism, the early Chinese advanced intellectuals and democratic revolutionaries launched an anti-imperialist and anti-feudalism movement. The 1911 Revolution successfully overthrew the Manchurian government and the feudal autocratic monarchy of more than two thousand years. However, because Yuan Shikai had usurped the fruits of the victory of 1911's revolution, the revolution ended in failure. In order to save the Chinese society full of sores, the early communists represented by Chen Tanqiu on the eve of the Great Revolution made great contributions to the spread of Marxism. The historical date of Chen Tanqiu's Marxism viewpoints on the eve of the Great Revolution are collected and sorted a this paper, which lays a certain theoretical foundation for us to comprehensively understand Chen Tanqiu's Marxism viewpoints during the Great Revolution.
机译:当涉及中国马克思主义理论,从其发芽发展,并到期,其过程一直非常曲折。在帝国主义和封建主义的双重压迫下,中国早期的高级知识分子和民主革命者推出了反帝国主义和反封建主义运动。 1911年革命成功推翻了满洲政府,封建专制君主制超过两千多年。但是,由于袁世凯队篡改了1911年革命胜利的果实,因此革命结束失败。为了拯救中国社会充满了疮,陈廷秋代表的早期共产党在伟大的革命前夕为马克思主义的传播作出了巨大贡献。收集了陈廷秋的马克思主义观点的历史日期,并将本文分类,为我们奠定了一定的理论基础,为我们彻底了解陈廷秋的马克思主义观点。



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