
Defining urban and rural areas: A new approach




The separation between the countryside and the city, from rural and urban areas, has been one of the central themes of the literature on urban and territorial studies. The seminal work of Kingsley Davis [10] in the 1950s introduced a wide and fruitful debate which, however, has not yet concluded in a rigorous definition that allows for comparative studies at the national and subnational levels of a scientific nature. In particular, the United Nations (UN) definition of urban and rural population is overly linked to political and administrative factors that make it difficult to use data adequately to understand the human settlement structure of different countries. The present paper seeks to define a more rigorous methodology for the identification of rural and urban areas. For this purpose it uses the night lights supplied by the SNPP satellite, and more specifically by the VIIRS sensor for the determination of the urbanization gradient, and by means of the same construct a more realistic indicator than the statistics provided by the UN. The arrival of electrification to nearly every corner of the planet is certainly the first and most meaningful indicator of artificialization of land. In this sense, this paper proposes a new methodology designed to identify highly impacted (urbanized) landscapes worldwide based on the analysis of satellite imagery of night-time lights. The application of this methodology on a global scale identifies the land highly impacted by light, the urbanization process, and allows an index to be drawn up of Land Impacted by Light per capita (LILpc) as an indicator of the level of urbanization. The methodology used in this paper can be summarized in the following steps: a) a logistic regression between US Urban Areas (UA), as a dependent variable, and night-time light intensity, as an explanatory variable, allows us to establish a nightlight intensity level for the determination of Areas Highly Impacted by Light (AHIL); b) the delimitation of the centers and peripheries is made by setting a threshold of night-time light intensity that allows the inclusion of most of the centers and sub-centers; c) once identified urbanized areas, or AHIL, it is necessary to delimit the rural areas, or Areas Little Impacted by Light (ALIL), which are characterized by low intensity night light; d) finally, rurban landscapes are those with nightlight intensities between ALIL and AHIL. The developed methodology allows comparing the degree of urbanization of the different countries and regions, surpassing the dual approach that has traditionally been used. This paper enables us to identify the different typologies of urbanized areas (villages, cities and metropolitan areas), as well as "rural", "rurban", "periurban" and "central" landscapes. The study identifies 186,134 illuminated contours (urbanized areas). 404 of these contours have more than 1,000,000 inhabitants and can be considered real "metropolitan areas"; on the other hand there are 161,821 contours with less than 5,000 inhabitants, which we identified as "villages". Finally, the paper shows that 40.26% live in rural areas, 15.53% in rurban spaces, 26.04% in suburban areas and only 18.16% in central areas.
机译:农村和城市之间的分离,从农村和城市地区,一直是城市和地区研究文献的中央主题之一。 20世纪50年代Kingsley Davis [10]的开创性工作引入了广泛而富有成效的辩论,但是,尚未以严谨的定义尚未得出结论,这允许在科学性质的国家和北部层面进行比较研究。特别是,联合国(联合国)城乡人口的定义与政治和行政因素有关,使得难以充分利用数据来了解不同国家的人为解决结构。本文旨在为识别农村和城市地区来定义更严格的方法。为此目的,它使用SNPP卫星提供的夜灯,更具体地由VIIRS传感器确定城市化梯度的确定,并且通过相同的构造比联合国提供的统计数据更现实的指标。电气化到达几乎每个角落的地球的一个角落都肯定是土地的第一和最有意义的指标。从这个意义上讲,本文提出了一种新的方法,该方法旨在根据夜间灯光的卫星图像分析确定全球高度影响(城市化)景观。该方法在全球范围内的应用识别了光线,城市化进程受到高度影响的土地,并允许指数由灯(LILPC)影响为城市化水平的指标。本文使用的方法可以在以下步骤中概括:a)美国城市地区(UA)之间的逻辑回归作为从属变量和夜间光强度,作为解释性变量,使我们能够建立夜灯测定由光影响的区域的强度水平(Ahil); b)通过设定夜间光强度的阈值来制定中心和外周的划界,允许包含大多数中心和亚中心; c)一旦确定了城市化领域,或者是亚力,有必要限定农村地区,或由光(ALIL)影响的区域,其特征在于低强度夜光; d)最后,鲁尔景观是Alil和Ahil之间的夜灯强度的景观。开发方法允许比较不同国家和地区的城市化程度,超越传统上使用的双方法。本文能够帮助我们确定城市化地区(村庄,城市和大城市地区),以及“农村”,“rurban”,“半城市化”和“中央”景观的不同类型学。该研究识别186,134发电轮廓(城市化区域)。这些轮廓中有404个拥有超过1,000,000名居民,可被认为是真正的“大都市区”;另一方面,有161,821轮廓,居民少于5,000名,我们将其确定为“村庄”。最后,该论文显示,40.26%的农村地区生活,南郊的15.53%,郊区26.04%,中央区仅为18.16%。



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