首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Global Resource Conservation >Skeleton Microstructure of Porites lutea in Kondang Merak, Malang, East Java

Skeleton Microstructure of Porites lutea in Kondang Merak, Malang, East Java

机译:Kondang Merak,Malang,East Java的骨架Lutea骨架微观结构



Research on coral microstructure in Indonesia, especially in East Java is rarely done. Therefore, this study aims to examine the shape of Aragonite Crystal coral Porites lutea in Pantai Kondak Merak, East Java, especially in 1998 which is the time of El Nino and has a global impact on coral growth. The shape of the aragonite crystal on the reef can be seen using the Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersion X-Ray (SEM - EDX). Based on the coral aragonite crystal form, the increasing temperature in 1998 was not proven to have a devastating effect on the growth of corals of Pantai Kondang Merak. In contrast, the temperature at this site should support corals in order to grow rapidly, but there are other environmental factors that ultimately inhibit the growth of the coral.
机译:印度尼西亚珊瑚微观结构研究很少完成东爪哇。 因此,本研究旨在审查西爪哇省Pantai Kondak Merak,特别是1998年的Aragonite Crystal Coral Porapes Lutea的形状,这是El Nino的时间,并对珊瑚增长产生全球影响。 可以使用扫描电子显微镜 - 能量分散X射线(SEM-EDX)来观察珊瑚礁上的金属石晶体的形状。 基于珊瑚石岩晶体形式,1998年的越来越多的温度未被证明对Pantai Kondang Merak珊瑚的生长产生破坏性影响。 相比之下,该网站的温度应该支持珊瑚以便快速增长,但还有其他环境因素最终抑制珊瑚的生长。



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