首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Global Resource Conservation >The Estradiol 17-β Concentration in Mice after Treated with Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem)

The Estradiol 17-β Concentration in Mice after Treated with Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem)

机译:用Azadirachta indica(Neem)乙醇叶提取物处理后小鼠雌二醇17-β浓度



This research was conducted to determine the effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem) on plasma estradiol 17-β synthesis in mice. Thirty virgin female mice (Swiss Webster strain) between 2.5 and 3 months old (25 ± 2.5 g body weight) were used as the experimental sample. The mice were divided into five groups: K- group were administered tap water; K+ group were administered contraceptive pills; P1 to P3 group were administered orally with ethanolic A. indica leaf extract at doses of 8.4, 11.2, and 14 mg/animal/day, respectively. The regularity of the estrous cycle was monitored during treatment. The mice were sacrificed after being treated orally for 21 days and blood was collected by cardiac puncture under chloroform anesthesia. The estradiol concentration was measured by ELISA. Ovaries were processed with the paraffin method and HE staining. Our results showed that the estrous cycle irregularity of treated groups was higher than K- group. The estradiol concentration was significantly different (p<0.05) compared to the control group (25.02 ± 1.16 pg/mL in the control group and 18.86 ± 2.21 pg/mL in treated group but there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the treated groups. The atresia follicle number was significantly different (p<0.05), not compared to the control group but between treated groups also. It can be concluded that Neem extracts disrupt the estradiol 17-β concentration by interference with follicle development in the ovaries so that the regularity of estrous cycle was disrupted.
机译:进行该研究以确定azadirachta indaga(Neem)乙醇叶提取物对小鼠血浆雌二醇17-β合成的影响。在2.5和3个月(25±2.5g体重)之间使用30名初榨雌性小鼠(瑞士韦伯斯特菌株)作为实验样品。小鼠分为五组:施用k-基团自来水; K +组避孕药;使用8.4,11.2和14毫克/天的剂量的乙醇A.pxipa叶提取物口服给予P1至P3组。在治疗期间监测溶解周期的规律性。在口服治疗后处死21天,并通过心脏穿刺在氯仿麻醉下收集血液。通过ELISA测量雌二醇浓度。用石蜡法加工卵巢,他染色。我们的研究结果表明,治疗组的腐蚀循环不规则性高于K组。与对照组相比,雌二醇浓度显着差异(P <0.05)(对照组25.02±1.16pg / ml,治疗组中18.86±2.21pg / ml,但之间没有显着差异(p> 0.05)治疗组。休息卵泡数显着不同(P <0.05),与对照组相比,但在治疗组之间也没有比较。可以得出结论,Neem提取物通过干扰卵巢在卵巢中的卵泡发育中扰乱雌二醇17-β浓度因此,破坏性周期的规律性被扰乱了。



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