首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Global Resource Conservation >Effect of Water Decoction of Langsat Bark (Lansium domesticum Corr.) on Estrous Cycle and Uterus Weight in Mice (Mus musculus L.)

Effect of Water Decoction of Langsat Bark (Lansium domesticum Corr.) on Estrous Cycle and Uterus Weight in Mice (Mus musculus L.)

机译:朗沙特吠声(LANSIUM DIBUTIONUM CORR。)对小鼠中鼻腔和子宫重量的影响(MUS Musculus L.)的影响



The study aims to determine the effect of water decoction of Langsat's bark stew on estrous cycle and uterus weight in mice. Twenty adults, healthy, female mice were divided into four groups, each given 1 mL of Langsat's bark stew with water concentrations of 20%, 40%, and 60%, as well as a control group that was given water ad libitum for twelve days. Estrous phases were determined every day; on the thirteenth day, all mice were euthanized and the uteruses were weighed. The observation of estrous cycles showed that there was no significant difference in the frequency of the phases of the estrous cycle between the control group and the treatment group. Uterine weight treatment groups were higher than in the control group in line with increasing doses, but this was not statistically significantly different.We conclude that water decoction of Langsat's bark stew does not affect the estrous cycle and weight of the mice uterus, and its use as an anti-fertility treatment has not been proven.
机译:该研究旨在确定Langsat's Bark Sok在小鼠中患者中的水汤和子宫重量的水汤。 20名成年人,健康,雌性小鼠分为四组,每个小组都给了1毫升Langsat的树皮炖,水浓度为20%,40%和60%,以及给予水上自由的对照组12天。每天都确定了阶段;在第十三天,所有小鼠都被安乐死,称重子宫。雌激序列的观察结果表明,对照组和治疗组之间的溶解循环阶段的频率没有显着差异。子宫重量处理基团与增加剂量均高于对照组,但这并不统计学显着不同。我们得出结论,Langsat's Bark Stew的水汤不影响小鼠子宫的原始循环和重量,及其使用由于抗生育能力尚未被证明。



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