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When Isolated Horizons met Near Horizon Geometries




There are two mathematical relativity frameworks generalizing the black hole theory: the theory of isolated horizons (IH) and the theory of near horizon geometries (NHG). We outline here and discuss the derivation of the NHG from the theory of IH by composing spacetimes from IH. The simplest but still quite general class of solutions to Einstein's equations of this type defines spacetimes foliated by Killing horizons emar nating from extremal horizons. That derivation, clearly being a link between the two frameworks, seems to be unknown to the NHG researchers and is hardly acknowledged in reviews on the IH. This lecture was a contribution to the Mathematical Structures session of the 2nd LeCosPA International Symposium "Everything about Gravity" celebrating the centenary of Einstein's General Relativity on December 14-18, 2015 in Taipei.
机译:有两个数学相对论框架概括了黑洞理论:隔离地平线理论(IH)和近地平线几何形状的理论(NHG)。我们在这里概述并通过从IH组成Spacetims来讨论从IH的理论中的NHG的推导。 Einstein方程式的最简单但仍然是一般的解决方案,这些解决方案是通过杀死极值地平线的视野Emar Nation来定义叶片的空间。这导出,显然是两个框架之间的联系,似乎是NHG研究人员所知,几乎没有承认IH的评论。本讲座是对第2次LeCospa国际研讨会“引力”的数学结构会议的贡献,庆祝爱因斯坦一般相对论2015年12月14日至18日在台北的百年相对论。



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