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The Effects of Low Impact Development Practices on Urban Stormwater Management




Low impact development (LID), which aims at either infiltrating, evapotranspiring or storing water at the source, plays an important role in managing urban rainwater. This paper summarizes the effects of four individual LIDs (i.e., bioretention, green roof, porous pavement, and grass swales) and several combinations of those LID practices on rainfall-runoff management. The survey shows that both individual and combined LIDs are effective in controlling small and medium rainfalls, and the performances are less obvious with increases of the rainfall depths. Hence, the individual or combined LIDs applied with noticeable effects on low or moderate rainfalls might not be useful for heavy rain events which would probably cause urban floods in cities in China. Cities located in different regions show big differences in rainfall characteristics. Rainfall intensity is an even more important factor than rainfall depth that influences performances of LID practices. In the future, more studies should be directed to the effects of LID measures on large storm runoff managements under different rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF), which would be helpful to select suitable LID practices for cities in China.
机译:低冲击开发(盖子)旨在渗透,蒸发或储存水源,在管理城市雨水方面发挥着重要作用。本文总结了四个单独的盖子(即生物屋顶,绿色屋顶,多孔路面和草踪)的影响,以及这些盖子径流管理的盖子实践的几种组合。该调查显示,个人和合并的盖子都有效地控制中小的降雨,并且随着降雨深度的增加,性能不太明显。因此,施用的个体或合并的盖子对低或中等降雨的显着效果可能对大雨事件可能是有用的,这可能导致中国城市的城市洪水。位于不同地区的城市显示了降雨特征的巨大差异。降雨强度是一种比降雨深度更重要的因素,影响盖子实践的性能。在未来,更多的研究应针对不同降雨强度 - 持续时间(IDF)下大型风暴径流管理的影响,这将有助于为中国城市选择合适的盖子实践。



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