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Hydroelectric Powerhouse Sequential Event Recorder and Annunciation Upgrades – Design Philosophy and Lessons Learned

机译:水力发电顺序事件记录器和通告升级 - 设计哲学和经验教训



The US Army Corps of Engineers owns and operates 75 hydroelectric powerhouses throughout the United States. Many of our hydroelectric powerhouses still use light box style annunciators with hardwired inputs. These annunciators have been very reliable but provide limited information and are difficult to modify in the future for changes in the powerhouse. As part of our powerhouse modernization efforts we have been looking at ways to improve the powerhouse annunciation systems. Some of the goals of this modernization are to improve the situational awareness of our control room operators, provide a means to record and timestamp the alarms as they come in, and provide a system that is easily modified. We are also interested in a scalable design that can easily be implemented at different powerhouses.
机译:美国陆军工程师拥有并在美国拥有75家水电站。 我们的许多水电站仍然使用带有硬连线输入的灯箱样式通信者。 这些通信者已经非常可靠,但提供有限的信息,并且难以将来修改,以便在强国的变化。 作为我们的州大力现代化的一部分,我们一直在寻找改善PowerHouse通告系统的方法。 这种现代化的一些目标是提高控制室运营商的情境意识,提供一种录制和时间戳,因为它们进入时录制和时间戳,并提供易于修改的系统。 我们也对可扩展的设计感兴趣,可以轻松地在不同的Powershouses中实现。



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