
Headdress Nomination: Specifics Of Imagery




Linguistic explication has originated a specific and very important dichotomy: "language of life - life of language" [1], which creates unlimited possibilities for interdisciplinary linguistic studies. Visions of a language are inseparable from visions of relationships between a person and the world in a given epoch, from the characteristic worldview of the time. Extended understanding of the linguistic function linked to an issue of anthropocentrism and ethnocentrism facilitates the appearance of new perspectives of philological studies. The language as a special substrate of culture, piercing it throughout, is the most important means for organizing and ordering the reality, the only key for its comprehension. The nature of the language as a whole and especially its vocabulary, being a "fast-response area" [2], directly depends on the total diversity of social phenomena. In the area of material objects there are regular and inescapable permanent changes, especially during the watershed periods in the life of a society, under new conditions of communications etc, which first and foremost find their reflection in the lexical and semantic space and its transformation.
机译:语言解释起源于特定而非常重要的二分法:“生活中的语言 - 语言”[1],这为跨学科语言学研究创造了无限的可能性。一种语言的愿景与某个时代的人与世界之间的关系不可分割,从特色的时间看。延长了对与人类中心主义问题相关的语言职能和民族中心主义的语言函数有助于出现新的哲学研究视角。作为一种特殊的文化基质的语言,整个刺穿它,是组织和排序现实的最重要手段,其理解的唯一关键。作为整体语言的性质,特别是其词汇,是“快速响应区域”[2],直接取决于社会现象的总多样性。在物质对象领域,存在常规和不可避免的永久性变化,特别是在社会的生活中的流域期间,在新的通信条件下,首先以及最重要的是在词汇和语义空间中发现它们的反思及其转变。



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