首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication >'Shine! Shine! O New Jerusalem!' - The Theme of Holy City in the Work of Old-Russian Composer Fyodor Krestjanin

'Shine! Shine! O New Jerusalem!' - The Theme of Holy City in the Work of Old-Russian Composer Fyodor Krestjanin

机译:“闪耀!闪耀!o新耶路撒冷!” - 俄罗斯作曲家Fyodor Krestjanin工作中的圣城主题



The ideologemes of Moscow as the New Jerusalem and New Rome, first emerged during the eminence of Moscow as seat of the unified Russian State. Such ideology primarily was gaining its foothold in the political consciousness of Russian ruling elite in the 16th and in the early 17th centuries. A variety of scientific research identify the ideology in various arts of iconography, architecture, literature, church and liturgical theatrical performance, yet, the manifestation of the theme of Moscow representing the 'Holy City' in the Old-Russian music has been under study for the first time ever. The contributors are analyzing the particular hymn "Shine! Shine! O New Jerusalem!" in the version of Moscow raspevshik (composer) Fyodor Krestjanin, composed on the surge of interest in this ideological idea. Krestjanin had created own hymnographic chant on the model of the Demestvenny polyphony, addressed to the image of New Jerusalem. The authors review the creation based on the unique record made by one of the tsar's chorister dating back to 1600, which evidences of the enormous interest in the mastering of Fyodor Krestjanin's chant among the tsar's "singing dyaks" (choristers). The article invites to study the authors' concept of the "Holy City" theme development by Fyodor Krestjanin in musical form.
机译:莫斯科作为新耶路撒冷和新罗马的意识形态,首先出现在莫斯科作为统一俄罗斯国家的席位。此类思想主要在俄罗斯统治精英的政治意识中在第16世纪和17世纪初的政治意识中获得了立足点。各种科学研究确定了各种艺术艺术的艺术,架构,文学,教会和宗教戏剧性表现,但莫斯科主题的表现在老俄罗斯音乐中的“圣城”一直在研究有史以来第一次。贡献者正在分析特定的赞美诗“闪耀!闪耀!o新耶路撒冷!”在莫斯科Raspevshik(作曲家)Fyodor Krestjanin的版本中,组成了对这一思想理念的兴趣激增。 Krestjanin在Demestvenny复合的模型上创造了自己的Hymnagraphic Chant,以解决新耶路撒冷的形象。作者根据追溯到1600次约会的独特记录审查了创造,这是一个追溯到1600的独特记录,这证明了对沙皇“歌唱”(Choristers)之间的Fyodor Krestjanin唱歌的巨大兴趣。文章邀请学习作者对“圣城市”主题开发的作者的概念在音乐形式中的思考。



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