首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Automation, Mechanical Control and Computational Engineering >Correlation Model Design between College Students of Xi'an and Mobile Electronic Commerce

Correlation Model Design between College Students of Xi'an and Mobile Electronic Commerce




This paper analyzes influence factors of college students on their intention of using mobile online shopping for the first time. UTAUT theory is applied to the study on influence factors of college students' initial usage of mobile online shopping. The paper introduces perceived risk and perceived enjoyment to UTAUT theory tentatively, constructs research model and obtains data by using questionnaire inquiry. This paper conducts empirical test on proposed research model. The results indicate that five influence factor variables have different ranking incidence on initial usage intention: effort expectation>social impact>perceived enjoyment> performance expectation>perceived risk. Through e-commerce, it can bring about stable and high-quality mobile shopping online demand to mobile electronic commerce enterprises.
机译:本文分析了大学生第一次使用移动网上购物目的的影响因素。 utaut理论适用于大学生初步使用移动在线购物的影响因素研究。 本文介绍了对UTAUT理论的感知风险和感知享受,暂时构建研究模型,并通过使用调查问卷查询来获得数据。 本文对提出的研究模型进行了实证测试。 结果表明,五个影响因素变量对初始使用意图不同的排名发生率:努力期望>社会影响>感知享受>性能预期>感知风险 通过电子商务,它可以带来稳定和高质量的移动在线需求对移动电子商务企业。



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