首页> 外文会议>SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling Underbalanced Operations Conference Exhibition >Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Technology Applied to a High Potential Oil/Gas Producing Well Enabled Operator to Drill to Planned Target Depth in an Area of South Texas Where Conventional Drilling Has Been Unsuccessful-a Case History

Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Technology Applied to a High Potential Oil/Gas Producing Well Enabled Operator to Drill to Planned Target Depth in an Area of South Texas Where Conventional Drilling Has Been Unsuccessful-a Case History

机译:管理压力钻孔(MPD)技术适用于高潜在的油/天然气生产良好的操作员,以便在南德克萨斯州南德克萨斯州地区钻取到计划的目标深度,其中常规钻探已经不成功 - 案例历史



Multiple operators had attempted to conventionally drill wells in an area of south Texas targeting an over pressurized sand. A majority of them were unsuccessful showing a history of lost time events and poor well results related to kicks and losses. Information suggests little was known about the pore and fracture pressure gradients, and that uncertainties regarding real stratigraphic distribution were present, resulting in improper casing points and mud trends not in accordance with actual wells requirements. For these reasons, one operator decided to implement Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) technology in order to safely and efficiently drill a well to the pay zone. The scope of the operation was a re-entry sidetrack on a vertical well that originally encountered well control and multiple mud losses events. The first interval was an 8-1/2 inch intermediate section to be cased with a 7 inch liner. The liner shoe was to be set approximately 80 feet above the over pressurized target sand. The second interval was a 6-1/8 inch production section targeting the well pay zone, to be cased with a 4-1/2 inch production casing. Both intervals were considered critical, the first one having depleted zones interbedded with gas bearing formations with a final depth immediate to abnormal gas pressures, and the second demanding accurate ECD management to avoid well control events, losses and formation damage, this of cardinal interest for the operator.
机译:多个运营商试图在南德克萨斯州的一个地区瞄准瞄准压加压砂的地区。他们中的大多数都不成功地表达了失去时间事件的历史和与踢踢和损失有关的良好结果。信息表明对孔隙和骨折压力梯度知之甚少,并且存在关于实际地层分布的不确定性,导致套管点和泥趋势不符合实际井的要求。出于这些原因,一个操作员决定实施管理的压力钻孔(MPD)技术,以便安全有效地钻孔到付费区。操作的范围是一个在垂直井上的重新进入Sidetrack,最初遇到良好的控制和多个泥浆损失事件。第一个间隔是8-1/2英寸的中间部分,套管用7英寸衬里套管。衬垫鞋将设定在加压目标砂上方的大约80英尺。第二间隔是瞄准井支付区域的6-1 / 8英寸的生产段,套管用4-1 / 2英寸的生产套管。两个间隔都是关键的,第一个具有耗尽的区域与气体轴承的形成,最终深度直接达到异常气体压力,而第二个要求准确的ECD管理,以避免井控制事件,损失和形成损害,这方面的基本兴趣运营商。



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