
SMUG: a Selective MUtant Generator tool




In this tool demo paper, we present a prototype of a tool for the selective generation of mutants in Java source code. We named this tool as SMUG (Selective MUtant Generator). Given two subsequent versions of a program, SMUG creates mutants by considering only those methods modified in, or added to, the second version. This is why it is a selective generator of mutants. On the basis of created mutants, SMUG generates a specified number of faulty versions of the program. We implemented SMUG as an Eclipse plug-in and employed this plug-in to assess regression test selection approaches. Therefore, SMUG has to be intended as a means to advance research in regression testing. We applied SMUG to create a total number of 200 faulty versions of 7 small-to-medium Java programs. A screencast of SMUG in action is available at www2.unibas.it/sromano/SMUG.html.



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