首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety >EVALUATION OF A POTASSIUM FILLED UO_2 CORE IN A BERYLLIUM-REFLECTED SPACE REACTOR





The critical configuration of the small, compact critical assembly (SCCA) experiments performed at the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Facility (ORCEF) in 1962-1965[1,2] have been evaluated for the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) and were determined to be acceptable benchmark experiments and are included in the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (ICSBEP Handbook) [3]. The initial intent of these experiments was to support the design of the Medium Power Reactor Experiment (MPRE) program, whose purpose was to study "power plants for the production of electrical power in space vehicles." [4] The third configuration in this series of experiments was a beryllium-reflected mockup of a stainless-steel-clad, highly enriched uranium (HEU)-O_2 fuel, potassium-cooled, space power reactor. Reactivity measurements, cadmium ratio spectral measurements, and fission rate measurements were measured through the core and top reflector. Fuel effect worth measurements and neutron moderating and absorbing material worths were also measured in the assembly fuel region. The cadmium ratios, fission rate, and worth measurements were evaluated for the International Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation Project (IRPhEP) and are published in the International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhEP Handbook)[5]. More recently, two additional critical configurations have been evaluated and added to the existing evaluation report in the ICSBEP Handbook. The new critical configurations measure the effect of filling the core with potassium. The critical configuration consisted of 30.48 cm tall fuel tubes of 93.15 wt.% enriched uranium dioxide (UO_2) pellets. Each fuel tube had 26 pellets with a total mass of 295.8 g UO_2 per tube. There were 253 tubes were arranged with 1.506-cm center-to-center, triangular spacing and surrounded on all side by a beryllium reflected. The reactivity of the system was measured with the core tank empty and filled with potassium. The system reactivity was increased from 13.4 to 32. This change in system reactivity represents the worth of the potassium. Simple benchmark models for the empty and potassium filled cores have been derived and evaluated and found to be acceptable as benchmark experiments. The benchmark experiment eigenvalues are 1.0001 ± 0.0008 and 1.0011 ± 0.0009 for the empty and filled cores, respectively. When calculated with MCNP5 and ENDF/B-VII.0 the calculated eigenvalues are 0.98906 ± 0.00002 and 0.98883 ± 0.00002, respectively. These results are concerning due to the drop of the calculated system reactivity when potassium is added to the system rather than the expected increase in system reactivity.
机译:在1962年至1965年在橡木岭关键实验设施(ORCEF)在1962年至1965年进行的小型紧凑型临界组件(SCCA)实验的临界配置已被评估为国际临界安全基准评估项目(ICSBEP)并进行决心是可接受的基准实验,并包含在评估临界安全基准实验的国际手册(ICSBEP手册)[3]。这些实验的初始意图是支持中等电力反应堆实验(MPRE)计划的设计,其目的是研究“用于生产太空车内电力的电厂。” [4]本系列实验中的第三种结构是一种铍反射的不锈钢包层的样机,高度富集的铀(Heu)-O_2燃料,钾冷却的空间功率反应器。通过芯和顶部反射器测量反应性测量,镉比率光谱测量和裂变率测量。在组装燃料区中也测量了价值测量和中子调节和吸收材料的燃料效果。为国际反应堆物理实验评估项目(IRPHEP)评估了镉比率,裂变率和值得注意,并在评估的反应堆物理基准实验(IRPHEP手册)的国际手册中公布[5]。最近,已经评估了两种额外的关键配置,并将其添加到ICSBEP手册中的现有评估报告中。新的关键配置测量用钾填充芯的效果。关键配置由30.48厘米高的燃料管组成,93.15重量%。%富含二氧化铀(UO_2)颗粒。每个燃料管具有26个粒料,每管总质量为295.8g UO_2。有253个管子布置有1.506厘米的中心至中心,三角形间距,并在所有侧面被铍反射。用核心罐空测量系统的反应性并用钾填充。系统反应性从13.4增加到32.系统反应性的这种变化代表了钾的价值。已经得出和评估了空和钾填充核心的简单基准模型,发现是可接受的基准实验。对于空和填充核心,基准实验特征值分别为1.0001±0.0008和1.0011±0.0009。当用MCNP5和ENDF / B-VII.0计算时,计算的特征值分别为0.98906±0.00002和0.98883±0.00002。这些结果涉及由于在将钾添加到系统中而不是系统反应性的预期增加时,这些结果是由于计算出的系统反应性。



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