首页> 外文会议>Asian young geotechnical engineers conference >Analysis of stress-strain state of anisotropic soil basement

Analysis of stress-strain state of anisotropic soil basement

机译:各向异性土壤地下室应力 - 应变状态分析



The article analyses the results of the numerical experiment of the stress-strain state of the soil basement folded by anisotropic soils using the ANSYS software system. Since one of the objectives of the study is to evaluate the possibility of using this software in the designing of the foundations and basements and improve the forecast accuracy of the foundation settlement according to the Rules and Regulations SP 22.13330.2011 "Foundations of buildings and structures" (Russia), we considered different calculation schemes "foundation -basement". It should be noted that we testedin advance the effect of Poisson's ratio and modulus of soil deformation on the stress-deformed state of isotropic and anisotropic soil basement. By analyzing the results of thenumerical experiments, we derived correction coefficients for calculation of foundation settlement by layer-by-layer summation according to the Rules and Regulations SP 22.13330.2011, which consider the anisotropic properties of soil and allow improving the forecast accuracy.
机译:本文分析了使用ANSYS软件系统由各向异性土壤折叠的土壤基底应力 - 应变状态的数值实验的结果。由于该研究的目标之一是评估使用本软件在设计基础和地下室的设计中,并根据规则和规定改善基础结算的预测准确性SP 22.13330.2011“建筑物和结构的基础“(俄罗斯),我们考虑了不同的计算计划”基础 - 基础“。应当注意,我们测试了在各向同性和各向异性土壤地下室应力变形状态下的泊松比和土壤变形模量的影响。通过分析Humerical实验的结果,我们根据规则和规则SP 22.13330.2011通过层次求和来计算基础沉降的校正系数,这考虑了土壤的各向异性特性,并提高预测准确性。



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