首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization >Construction and Application of Heluo Culture Big Data Platform Based on Basic Framework of Hadoop

Construction and Application of Heluo Culture Big Data Platform Based on Basic Framework of Hadoop

机译:基于Hadoop基础框架的Heluo Culture Big Data Plation的构建与应用



Heluo culture is the core of Chinese culture and Yellow River culture and it is an important part of the Central Plains culture, and also the essence and mainstream of Chinese traditional culture. Through collecting, cleaning, analyzing, sharing, visual research and development of big data of Heluo culture, this paper improves the technical service ability and application development level of big data. The paper presents construction and application of Heluo Culture big data platform based on basic Framework of Hadoop. Big data sharing platform including Heluo culture digital museum, animation and visual cloud services.
机译:Heluo文化是中国文化和黄河文化的核心,它是中原文化的重要组成部分,也是中国传统文化的本质和主流。通过收集,清理,分析,分享,视觉研究和发展升华文化的大数据,本文提高了大数据的技术服务能力和应用开发水平。本文介绍了基于Hadoop基本框架的Heluo Culture Big Data Platform的构建与应用。大数据共享平台,包括万豪文化数字博物馆,动画和视觉云服务。



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