首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Biological Science >Identification of avifauna in the lowland forest ecosystem at Alas Purwo National Park, Banyuwangi based on bioacoustic approach

Identification of avifauna in the lowland forest ecosystem at Alas Purwo National Park, Banyuwangi based on bioacoustic approach




Birds use sound as a communication mens. Each bird species has a unique and varied sound-based character based on differences in sound frequency. Information on the sound characteristics of each bird species could be used to identify bird species. Identification of bird species is one component of conservation activities in encouraging the development of technology through a bioacoustic approach. This study aims to determine the types of bird sounds in identifying bioacoustic-based species in lowland forest ecosystems in Alas Purwo National Park. Data was collected in April 2017 using a digital scraping device (Android Sony Experia mobile phone and microphone) installed at the sampling point for 3 days. Analysis of animal sounds using Raven Pro Software 1.5.0. The results showed that variations of bird sound types obtained amounted to 34 types of sound types with 26 species identified. This research shows that the bioacoustic approach can estimate the existence of a species and has the potential as a method of biomonitoring biodiversity in an ecosystem.
机译:鸟类用声作为沟通男士。每个鸟类都有一个基于声频差异的独特和变化的基于态度。有关每只鸟类的声音特性的信息可用于识别鸟类。鉴定鸟类是通过生物理方法鼓励技术发展的保护活动的一个组成部分。本研究旨在确定鉴定艾拉斯普尔沃国家公园的低地森林生态系统中生物通道物种的鸟类声音的类型。数据是在2017年4月收集的数据,使用数字刮擦设备(Android Sony Experia手机和麦克风)安装在采样点3天。使用Raven Pro Software的动物声音分析1.5.0。结果表明,所获得的鸟类声音类型的变化量为34种类型的声音类型,鉴定了26种。该研究表明,生物声学方法可以估计物种的存在,并且具有生态系统中生物监测生物多样性的方法。



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