首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Computing Technology >MPUDP: Multipath Multimedia Transport Protocol over Overlay Network

MPUDP: Multipath Multimedia Transport Protocol over Overlay Network




Multipath transport in communication networks is gaining momentum due to its attractive features of increased reliability, aggregated bandwidth, fault tolerance, and load balancing. Multipath transport framework based on application-level relay (MPTF-AR) that uses overly network technique is regarded as a simple way to establish multipath transport scenario without any change on underlying network. However, existing multipath transport protocols are not suitable for MPTF-AR because they either work in multihomed scenario or cannot support transmission in overlay network. This paper proposes a transport protocol named multipath UDP (MPUDP) to support both reliable and unreliable transport in MPTF-AR. With the help from application and transport layer, MPUDP support precise performance detection and dynamic data distribution. End host uses two-level buffer to reorder packets. In addition, end hosts no longer keeps a congestion window and always send packets over optimal paths. Finally, extensive OMNeT++ simulations are conducted and show that MPUDP exploits the benefit of multipath transport.
机译:通信网络中的多路径运输是由于其具有增强的可靠性,聚合带宽,容错和负载平衡的有吸引力特征,因此增加了势头。基于应用程序级继电器(MPTF-AR)的多路径传输框架使用过于网络技术的应用程序被视为在没有底层网络上的任何更改的情况下建立多径传输方案的简单方法。但是,现有的多径传输协议不适用于MPTF-AR,因为它们要么在多读者场景中工作,要么不能支持覆盖网络中的传输。本文提出了一个名为MultiPath UDP(MPUDP)的传输协议,以支持MPTF-AR中可靠和不可靠的传输。借助应用程序和传输层的帮助,MPUDP支持精确的性能检测和动态数据分布。结束主机使用两级缓冲区来重新排序数据包。此外,结束主机不再保留拥塞窗口,并始终通过最佳路径发送数据包。最后,进行了广泛的OMNET ++模拟,并显示MPUDP利用多径传输的益处。



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