首页> 外文会议>Beijing International symposium on land reclamation and ecological restoration >Study on the artificial revegetation succession law of the deserted quarry of the north of China

Study on the artificial revegetation succession law of the deserted quarry of the north of China




For many years,large amounts of Huangyuan village quarry loose deposits by disordered quarrying caused serious threat to the regional ecological environment security,and also the extremely hard things of vegetation restoration and reconstruction.In this paper,the authors took the north of China—Beijing Huangyuan deserted quarry as an example,surveyed the revegetation conditions including the communities and characters and the life form composition; dividing the vegetation communities into different site types by the order of the ummed dominance ratio methods; analyzing the diversities and succession characters of the vegetation communities under three factors.It would have the extreme important scientific value to realize the revegetation restoration and ecological environment improvement.The main findings are as follows: 1) there were 25 families,43 genera and 58 species in the area,and the plant species were mainly Asteraceae,Chenopodiaceae,Convolvulaceae and Grassy.The herbaceous was dominant,which accounts for more than 70%,and the trees represents 10-15%,only the shrubs and vines were scarce.However,there was a gradual trend towards grass-shrub and tree-shrub layer succession; 2) The authors also summarized three major types for the appropriate vegetation succession in the deserted quarry; 3) The plant communities diversity variation was: the cover and the index value of diversities was highest of the compaction area higher than the platform area and slope areas.
机译:多年来,大量黄园村采石场松散存款通过紊乱的采石造成严重威胁区域生态环境安全,而且植被恢复和重建的极其艰难的事物。本文认为,作者们占据了中国北京的北京黄园荒芜的采石场是一个例子,调查了膝上的条件,包括社区和人物和生命形式组成;将植被社区分成不同的位点类型,乌绒统治的优势比例的顺序;分析三个因素下植被社区的多样性和继承特征。它将具有实现恢复恢复和生态环境改善的极端重要的科学价值。主要结果如下:1)有25个家庭,43属和58该地区的物种和植物物种主要是菊科,Chenopodiaceae,Convolvulaceae和草地。草本是占优势的,占70%以上,树木代表10-15%,只有灌木和藤蔓是稀缺的。但是,有渐进的草灌木和树灌木层连续趋势; 2)作者还总结了荒凉的采石场的适当植被继承的三种主要类型; 3)植物社区的多样性变化是:封面和分集的指数值比平台面积和斜坡区域高的压实区域。



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