首页> 外文会议>PACRIM Congress >Application of High-resolution Seismic Reflection Surveys to Exploration for Blind Vein Systems at the Cracow Low-sulfidation Epithermal Field

Application of High-resolution Seismic Reflection Surveys to Exploration for Blind Vein Systems at the Cracow Low-sulfidation Epithermal Field




The application of high-resolution seismic reflection to map structure and/or mineralisation in hard rock environments has progressed significantly in the last decade. Improvements in equipment, field practice, processing and understanding has seen the seismic reflection technique emerge as a cost-effective tool for high-resolution three-dimensional structural and lithology mapping to depths far greater and with superior accuracy than other more conventional geophysical techniques.This paper outlines results and preliminary interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic reflection surveys aimed at defining fault zones and locations for quartz load development in favourable host lithologies at the Cracow low-sulfidation epithermal gold system in Queensland, Australia.As this is possibly the first time that high-resolution seismic reflection data has been used to define the structurally-controlled location of low-sulfidation epithermal gold mineralisation, an important aspect of this work was the derisking or due diligence steps taken prior to commissioning the full 3D surveys at each site. This included full wave sonic logging, vertical seismic profiling and trial 2D lines. Interpretation of the 2D profiles and the drilling of interpreted structure provided the confidence to proceed with the full 3D survey.The advantage of collecting 3D data extends beyond ensuring that the received reflections are located correctly in 3D space. The final 3D data cube can potentially map the entire fault network, thus highlighting flexures and changes in orientation of the structures both vertically and along strike, which is an important aspect in the deposition of gold and for direct targeting.



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