首页> 外文会议>Annual TechConnect World Innovation Conference Expo >Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG's) Close-coupled Electrolysis at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants

Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG's) Close-coupled Electrolysis at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants




Achieving the California (CA) "80 × 50" (80% reduction in CO_2 emissions from transportation, below 1990 level, by 2050) and other statutory and regulatory goals will require ~ 7 million tons (MMT) per year of high-purity, zero-carbon-emissions, Hydrogen fuel for surface transportation (LDV, bus, goods movement), by Year 2050. This would require full output of ~ 250 GW of nameplate wind and/or solar. Freight trucking, in CA, would require ~ 1.6 million tons per year. [1] Aviation Hydrogen fuel, if that market develops, supports CA Gov Brown's ambition to reduce CA's petrol-source transportation fuel use. "80 × 50" cannot be achieved with BEV's, displaced by FCV's except for short, light-duty travel; attempting to is technically and economically suboptimal. AASI is now ready to convert its Palm Springs windplant entirely to "distributed" H2 fuel output, with no connection to the SCE grid. SBV project success enables wind deployment in a large new market.
机译:实现加州(CA)“80×50”(来自运输的CO_2排放量80%,在1990年低于2050年)和其他法定和监管目标每年的高纯度每年需要〜700万吨(MMT),零碳排放量,表面运输的氢气(LDV,总线,货物运动),到2050年。这需要全输出〜250 GW的铭牌风和/或太阳能。货运货运,在加州,每年需要约160万吨。 [1]航空氢燃料,如果该市场发展,支持CA GOV Brown的雄心,以降低CA的汽油源运输燃料使用。 “80×50”无法通过BEV的,由FCV除外,除了短,轻型旅行之外;试图在技术上和经济上次优。 AASI现在准备将其Palm Springs WindPlant转换为“分布式”H2燃料输出,没有与SCE网格的连接。 SBV项目成功使风力部署在一个大型的新市场。



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