
Multiple Path Finding System for Replacement Tasks




Planning alternative multiple carry-in/out paths is essential to the engineering work of replacement tasks in power plant maintenance, adapting to the uncertain 3D environment of the plant building. For this subject, dissimilarity of the planned paths and fast response time for the query are required for a path finding algorithm. Existing path finding algorithms can find exact multiple paths but the differences of found paths are very little. Besides, the computation times are not feasible for a large volume of 3D space such as power plant. In this paper, a novel multiple paths finding algorithm is proposed for dissimilar paths planning with fast response time for the query, realizing interactive operations. Furthermore, performance indices for the path finding is designed with consideration of secure carry-in/out operations in the proposed algorithm. The algorithm outputs crane suspension trajectory avoiding collision with the plant building. The system has been applied to replacement tasks of an existing boiler building of a power plant. The building is expressed by over 5 GB stereo-lithography binary data.
机译:规划替代方案多次携带路径对于电厂维护中更换任务的工程工作至关重要,适应植物建筑的不确定3D环境。对于此主题,路径查找算法需要规划路径和查询的快速响应时间的不同。现有路径查找算法可以找到精确的多个路径,但发现路径的差异很少。此外,计算时间对于大量的3D空间(如发电厂)不可行。本文提出了一种新的多路径查找算法,用于对查询的快速响应时间进行异种路径规划,实现交互式操作。此外,在所提出的算法中考虑到安全随机运算,设计了路径查找的性能指标。该算法输出起重机悬架轨迹避免与植物建筑碰撞。该系统已应用于替换发电厂的现有锅炉建筑的任务。该建筑以超过5 GB立体声光刻二进制数据表示。



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