首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Information Technology Applications >Design of the Identity Authentication and Key Management System Based on Wireless Community

Design of the Identity Authentication and Key Management System Based on Wireless Community




With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, wireless community has brought a lot of convenience to people's life. However, in the open wireless network environment, the communication system has been attacked and threatened to be higher than the traditional wired network. In order to improve the reliability of the wireless community network identity authentication and the efficiency of the key management system, this paper proposes a bidirectional identity authentication scheme based on one-way hash function and one-time random number, the scheme realizes the two-way authentication between users and servers, and provides a secure key agreement for the server and users. Finally, the wireless community identity authentication and key management system are tested, we found that the authentication method based on the random number is lower than the energy consumption of common authentication mode, and the communication overhead is smaller, the system stability and reliability are also good.
机译:随着无线通信技术的快速发展,无线社区为人们的生活带来了很大的便利。然而,在开放的无线网络环境中,通信系统已经攻击并威胁要高于传统的有线网络。为了提高无线社区网络身份认证的可靠性和关键管理系统的效率,本文提出了一种基于单向散列函数和一次性随机数的双向身份认证方案,方案实现了两个 - 用户和服务器之间的身份验证,并为服务器和用户提供安全密钥协议。最后,测试了无线社区身份认证和密钥管理系统,我们发现基于随机数的认证方法低于常见认证模式的能量消耗,并且通信开销较小,系统稳定性和可靠性也是如此好的。



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