首页> 外文会议>Annual Meeting of the International^Plant^Propagators ^Society >The Quest for a Pinker Planet: Breeding, Production and Marketing of Hybrid Dianthus at Whetman Pinks

The Quest for a Pinker Planet: Breeding, Production and Marketing of Hybrid Dianthus at Whetman Pinks

机译:追求粉红色的星球:在Whittman Pinks的杂种Dianthus的繁殖,生产和销售



Whetman Pinks is a family-run nursery in south west England which has specialised in breeding and production of hybrid pinks, sometimes known as show pinks. These hybrids between Dianthus caryophyllus and D. plumarius are a "typically English" gardenplant. Whetman has developed these and other hybrid Dianthus cultivars as attractive modern garden plants and promoted them in many other countries. In April 2013, Whetman Pinks Ltd was awarded the Queens Award for Enterprise: International Trade, for its achievements in exporting pinks worldwide.
机译:Whitman Pinks是一家家庭经营的幼儿园,位于英格兰西南,专业从事杂种粉红色的繁殖和生产,有时称为粉红色。 Dianthus Caryophllus和D. Plumarius之间的这些杂种是“典型英语”的园林。 Whitman已将这些和其他混合的Dianthus品种作为有吸引力的现代园林植物,并在许多其他国家促进它们。 2013年4月,Whitman Pinks Ltd被授予企业皇后奖:国际贸易,以其在全球出口粉红色的成就。



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