首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Performance-based Fire and Fire Protection Engineering >Study of Charging Nitrogen to External Floating Roof Tank to Prevent Rim-seal Fires from Lightning

Study of Charging Nitrogen to External Floating Roof Tank to Prevent Rim-seal Fires from Lightning




It is estimated that 95% of rim seal fires are caused by lightning strikes. To avoid rim-seal fires caused by lightning, the existing methods mainly focus on the use of secondary sealing to reduce volatilization of oil and the electrical connections measures such as air terminals, deflectors, grounding device, discharge shunts and scalable grounding device to avoid sparks caused by lightning current. But these devices can't eliminate the spark generation thoroughly. A new method charging nitrogen to external floating roof tank seal ring is proposed to prevent rim-seal fires from lightning. In this paper, the safe oxygen content is set as the goal to charge nitrogen. An annular nitrogen charging pipe network is designed and its reliability is verified by experiment. The time of filling nitrogen to the seal ring of an external floating roof tank with the capacity of 10 x 10~4 m~3 at the rate of 63.38 m~3/h to reach the nitrogen charging goal is proved within the time of lightning warning through experiment. And this experiment can provide some reference to the application of nitrogen charging.
机译:据估计,95%的边缘密封火灾是由雷击引起的。为避免由闪电引起的边缘密封火灾,现有方法主要集中在使用二次密封以减少油的挥发和电气连接诸如空气端子,偏转器,接地装置,放电分流和可伸缩接地装置,以避免火花雷电引起的。但这些设备无法彻底消除火花。提出了一种新的方法将氮气充电到外部浮动车顶罐密封圈,以防止闪电射出边缘射击。在本文中,安全氧含量设定为充电氮的目标。设计了环形氮气充电管网,并通过实验验证了其可靠性。填充氮气到外部浮动车顶罐的密封环的时间,容量为10×10〜4 m〜3,速度在闪电时达到氮气充电目标。通过实验警告。并且该实验可以对氮气充电的应用提供一些参考。



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