首页> 外文会议>Coiled Tubing Well Intervention Conference >Next Generation of Battery Operated Electromechanical Setting Tools Increases Reliability at High Temperatures

Next Generation of Battery Operated Electromechanical Setting Tools Increases Reliability at High Temperatures




As exploration wells reach new depths and environments previously unexplored,the need for intervention services at higher temperature becomes a critical decision point for the entire drilling and completion process.Traditionally,the ability to set wellbore devices at elevated temperatures relied heavily on electric line services due to the higher temperature rating of explosive setting tools or surface powered electromechanical devices.This,of course,relied heavily on the availability and logistical expediency of units,tools,and personnel to avoid any nonproductive time,which could result in costly delays.An alternative would be using drill pipe;however,this could result in an excessive number of hours being added to the intervention process,increasing the overall costs to the developer.Due to these factors,companies continue to try to develop cost-effective intervention solutions while increasing reliability when operating in more hostile environments.Memory tools are fast becoming a favorable and more economic option. Battery operated electromechanical setting tools have been around for many years and continue to evolve.The latest generation of setting tools has allowed advanced memory and command logic to be incorporated,providing more flexibility in the intervention routine as well as a thorough understanding of the recorded downhole event.The tool also has the added feature of a flasking system,allowing a much greater operating envelope when exposed to high downhole temperatures.This makes the use of an alkaline battery powered setting device,deployable via a multitude of conveyance methods,a safer and more cost-effective method. This paper will review the new features and designed uses of this industry respected tool.Case histories with the device to complement intervention needs and operational planning convenience will be submitted to support the inherent value added to the oil and gas industry.



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