首页> 外文会议>ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings >Reap What You Sow: Why We Need to Invest in Integrated DSM Design for More Innovative, Aggressive and Successful Energy Efficiency Programs

Reap What You Sow: Why We Need to Invest in Integrated DSM Design for More Innovative, Aggressive and Successful Energy Efficiency Programs




Energy efficiency portfolio design, while critically important, is often less transparent and not as clearly prioritized and interconnected within many demand-side management (DSM) organizations. Evaluation of program performance has evolved in many jurisdictions into an ongoing, year-round effort, with specified budget allocations. This paper presents the argument why portfolio design, just like implementation and evaluation, deserves to be a more high-profile and on-going year round effort. The operational process of achieving energy efficiency goals from a utility perspective can be simplified into four major components: design, marketing, implementation, and evaluation. Program design represents the broad area of expertise that determines the portfolio of programs, measures, incentive levels, and budgets that are included in a portfolio of energy efficiency programs. This paper discusses the necessity of increasing the profile of design work as a continuous effort that is closely coordinated and integrated with implementation and evaluation. If design is not a focused and continuous process, then many times a last minute harried design process is launched, in which corners are cut, findings from market assessments and evaluation are not adequately addressed, and implementation contractors are not sufficiently engaged to help make DSM regulatory plans more innovative. Inadequate time and attention in the design and redesign phase increases the likelihood of sub-optimal programs. An integrated DSM design approach is suggested for more aggressive and innovative programs.



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