
On Determining the Optimal Relation between the Mental Tension and Human Motricity




Considering the major changes that continue to occur in today's society, the constant practice of physical education and sport activities represents a necessary condition to reduce/remove the negative mental tension. The habit to participate in motricity activity has to be developed and learned since early childhood and once reached maturity, the adult acknowledges the necessity of it, the usefulness and benefits of practicing this type of activities leads to a healthy lifestyle. The young people's openness towards different forms of physical exercise, on medium and long term, has a decisive role in maintaining a good state of health, of promoting sets of values, behavioral, social and personal attitudes. The purposiveness of these actions determines young men's development with direct positive effects concerning the way of displaying social-relational and professional demonstrations. The scope of this research becomes two-pronged: firstly, it aims to find out what are the young people's views concerning the importance of performing physical education activities so that to minimize the mental tension states, all these with positive effects towards bio motion potential, linked with a high return of the academic activity and within the social relations. Secondly, the scope is to know if participating in such activities will generate the increase of the satisfaction level through relaxation and tension release.



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