首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Extended Self Organizing Map with Probabilistic Neural Network for Pattern Classification Problems

Extended Self Organizing Map with Probabilistic Neural Network for Pattern Classification Problems




This paper presents a hybrid classifier based on extended Self Organizing Map with Probabilistic Neural Network. In this approach, at first we use feature extraction technique of Self Organizing Map to achieve topological ordering in the input data pattern. Then, with the use of Gaussian function, we obtain a better representation of the input dataset. After that, Probabilistic Neural Network is used to classify the input data. We have tested the proposed scheme on Iris, Glass, Breast Cancer Wisconsin, Wine, Ionosphere, Liver (BUPA), Sonar, Thyroid, and Vehicle data sets. The experimental results show better recognition accuracy of the proposed model than that of traditional Probabilistic Neural Network based classifier.
机译:本文介绍了一种基于具有概率神经网络的扩展自组织地图的混合分类器。 在这种方法中,首先我们使用自组织地图的特征提取技术来实现输入数据模式中的拓扑排序。 然后,通过使用高斯函数,我们获得了更好的输入数据集表示。 之后,概率神经网络用于对输入数据进行分类。 我们已经在虹膜,玻璃,乳腺癌威斯康星州,葡萄酒,电离层,肝脏(BUPA),声纳,甲状腺和车辆数据集上进行了测试。 实验结果表明,该模型的识别准确性比传统的概率神经网络基于分类器的识别准确性更好。



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