首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Applied Social Science Research >The Matriarchal Societies' Case - How Chinese Data about the Dong Nuguo Could Entice Western Scholars to Re-Open It

The Matriarchal Societies' Case - How Chinese Data about the Dong Nuguo Could Entice Western Scholars to Re-Open It

机译:母系社会的案例 - 中国关于董核的中国数据如何吸引西方学者重新开放



My 15 year research of the star-shaped towers of the Tibetan-Qiang-Yi Corridor has lead me to study and research, in ancient Chinese texts, the clues about an ancient matriarchal society, the "Dong Nuguo", documented until the Tang Dynasty. Surprisingly the matriarchal quality of this ancient society had never been evaluated in depth by scholars. Chinese scholars until recently somewhat took for granted a matriarchal past and Western scholars mostly favoured the "Timeless Patriarchy" and "Nuclear Family" theories. Archaeological findings are rather inconclusive. This paper will explain these opposite Western and Chinese attitudes and their reasons to be as well as my reasons for believing that the data found in the Chinese Annals and other ancient texts is probably sufficient to establish that this society did in fact exist. This paper will also briefly explain how new findings in anthropology and animal biology demonstrate that the nuclear family model is far from universal; and that the latest neuroscience support intersex brain. I will consequently argue that men and women have the same potential leadership qualities required for the existence of societies where women were in power, and that time has come to re-open the case of the matriarchal societies - a topic that has been taboo, in western anthropological circles, for at least 50 years.
机译:我15年藏,羌,彝走廊的星型塔的研究已经使我的学习和研究,在中国古籍,约一个古老的母系社会中,“董奴馘”的线索,记录直到唐代。令人惊讶的这个古代社会的母系质量从未在深度学者评估。中国学者直到最近有点想当然了母系过去西方学者大多青睐的“永恒的父权”和“核心家庭”的理论。考古发现是相当不确定的。本文将介绍这些反西方和中国的态度和他们的理由是,以及我有理由相信,在中国年鉴和其他古代典籍中发现的数据可能足以证明这个社会实际上存在一样。本文也将简要说明如何在新的人类学和动物生物学研究结果表明,核心家庭模式是普遍远;而最新的神经科学支持两性的大脑。我会因此认为,男性和女性对社会的妇女在力量的存在需要同潜在的领导才能,而且时间已经到了重新打开母系社会的情况 - 这一直是禁忌的话题,在西方人类学圈,为至少50年。



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