首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Geometry and Graphics >The Story of NanoJesus: Combining 3D Scanning and Femtosecond Laser Nanolithography for the Fabrication of the Smallest Nativity Scene in the World

The Story of NanoJesus: Combining 3D Scanning and Femtosecond Laser Nanolithography for the Fabrication of the Smallest Nativity Scene in the World




The paper presents the technological aspects and a workflow of creation of the smallest Nativity Scene in the world. The "Nano Holy Family" sculpture took 3 months to produce. The team consisted of students and professors from two universities, business companies and governmental institutions. The sculpture was created in the following steps: scanning, model preparation and nano-fabrication. The scanning of all 15 figures of the holy family was performed using "Sense" V2 3D scanner. After the scanning all the figures were specified and corrected using Blender and Netfabb software. Finally, femtosecond laser based nano-3D printing took place, materializing the Nativity Scene in micro-scale. Because of unmatched precision of applied technology, the Baby Jesus is less than 23 μm high-it is smaller than an average human cell. The presented results show great synergy between 3D scanning and 3D laser nanolithography allowing to down-size to the micro- and nano-scale basically any structure that can be 3D scanned. The project was a result and great example of successful collaboration between business and academia bringing together the knowledge and expertise from academia and technologies from the industry.
机译:本文提出了技术方面和创建世界上最小的诞生场景的工作流程。 “纳米圣家族”雕塑花了3个月的时间来生产。该团队由两所大学,商业公司和政府机构的学生和教授组成。雕塑是在以下步骤中创建的:扫描,模型准备和纳米制作。使用“感测”V2 3D扫描仪进行扫描圣家族的所有15个数字。扫描所有这些数字后,使用Blender和NetFABB软件指定和更正。最后,发生了Femtosecond激光的纳米3D打印,在微尺度下实现了遗迹场景。由于应用技术无与伦比的精度,婴儿耶稣小于23μm高 - 它小于平均人体细胞。所呈现的结果在3D扫描和3D激光纳米线之间显示出良好的协同作用,允许向微型和纳米尺度缩小到微型和纳米级之间的任何结构,这些结构可以是3D扫描的结构。该项目是商业和学术界成功合作的一个结果,使来自行业学术界和技术的知识和专业知识汇集在一起​​。



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