首页> 外文会议>World Congress on Public Health >Analysis of adhesion to Systemic Arterial Hypertension treatment by hypertensive patients accompanied in a Basic Health Unit in Maceio, Alagoas: Contribution of medical students from Education Program for Health at Work (PET– Health).

Analysis of adhesion to Systemic Arterial Hypertension treatment by hypertensive patients accompanied in a Basic Health Unit in Maceio, Alagoas: Contribution of medical students from Education Program for Health at Work (PET– Health).




INTRODUCTION: Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), which is considered both a disease and a riskfactor, represents one of the greatest challenges in public health care. Psychosocial, economics, educational andemotional stress factors are related to triggering and maintenance of the hypertension and might act like a barrierto treatment adhesion. METHODS: Medical students interviewed 40 hypertensive patients accompanied in aBasic Health Unit. RESULTS: 60% females and 45% were more than 60 years of age, 72,5% had blood pressurelevels higher than 140X90 mmHg during the interview, 95% reported continuous and regular use of medication.CONCLUSION: The studied population had elevated cardiovascular risk factors to target-organs. To guaranteean improvement in these parameters it is necessary ensure a quality public health focused on educating thepopulation on prevention and treatment compliance in diseases such as SAH that require significant healthresources.
机译:介绍:被认为是一种疾病和危险因素的全身性动脉高压(SAH)代表了公共卫生保健中最大的挑战之一。心理社会,经济学,教育和解压力因素与高血压的触发和维持有关,可能类似于Barrierto治疗粘附。方法:医学生采访40名高血压患者,伴有Abasic Health ops。结果:60%的女性和45%超过60岁,72,5%在面试期间高于140×90 mmHg的血压培养物,报告连续和定期使用药物。结论:学习人口升高了心血管风险升高目标 - 器官的因素。为了担保这些参数的改进,有必要确保专注于教育预防和治疗符合性的疾病等疾病等疾病的质量公共卫生。



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