首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage >Mechanisms Triggering Metal Release From Floodplain Soils and Sediments, Three Nations Creek, Ontario, Canada

Mechanisms Triggering Metal Release From Floodplain Soils and Sediments, Three Nations Creek, Ontario, Canada




Three Nations Creek (TNC) is an intermittent tributary that runs roughly 6 km past the Xstrata Copper-Kidd Metallurgical Site to the Porcupine River. The creek historically received surface runoff, and drainage that contributed to elevated concentrations of metals including Zn and Cu, in the floodplain soils and sediments of the creek. Containment measures for surface water installed in the late 1990's and early 2000 have been successful in reducing concentrations of metals in the creek water with no toxicity issues; however, concentrations in the creek can increase with occasional toxicity events, during spring freshet and autumn periods. The severity and duration of these events differs with the season and varies with extremes in climatic events. Kidd Metallurgical Site initiated development of a Remedial Action Plan for TNC with reference to the occasional high concentration events in the creek. The objectives of this study were to identify the fundamental mechanisms that trigger seasonal metal release from the TNC floodplain and to identify measures to reduce or eliminate, to the extent practicable, conditions within TNC that result in occurrences of high concentrations of metals in the creek water. Testing results and monitoring in development of the remedial strategy are presented.
机译:三个国家河(TNC)是一个间歇性支流运行大致6公里过去斯特拉塔铜业 - 基德冶金站点的豪猪河。小溪历史接收地表径流,和排水其促成高浓度金属,包括锌和铜,在洪泛区土壤和小河的沉积物。地表水遏制措施安装在1990年代后期和2000年初已经在减少溪水没有毒性问题的金属浓度是成功的;然而,浓度在小溪可以偶尔毒性事件增加,在弹簧山洪和秋季周期。这些事件的严重程度和持续时间随季节不同,在气候极端事件的变化。基德冶金网站发起了一项补救行动计划的发展TNC参照小溪偶尔的高浓度事件。本研究的目的是确定从TNC触发季节性金属释放漫滩和内TNC确定的措施来减少或消除,以在可行范围内,条件的基本机制,结果在小溪水中的高浓度的金属的出现。测试结果和补救战略的制定监控介绍。



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