首页> 外文会议>Meeting on Seeds and the Environment >Physical dormancy in seeds of Androcalva perlaria (Malvaceae): a critically endangered species from the south-west of western Australia

Physical dormancy in seeds of Androcalva perlaria (Malvaceae): a critically endangered species from the south-west of western Australia

机译:Androcalva Perlaria(Malvaceae)种子的身体休眠:来自西澳大利亚州西南部的一个危险性濒危物种



Androcalva perlaria C. F. Wilkins is a critically threatened species occurring in just four isolated wetlands in the south-west of western Australia with less than 100 known plants remaining in the wild (Nikabadi ef al 2010). Understanding seed ecology is of particular importance given the influence of seed dormancy and germination on the recruitment of new seedlings, and the role that a persistent soil seed bank can play in the long-term viability of plant populations (Cochrane ef al 2007). This study set out to develop a detailed understanding of the seed ecology of this species to aid present and future recovery programs. It identified key seed traits including type of seed dormancy, optimal incubation conditions, the effects of temperature and moisture on breaking dormancy, in situ seed persistence and location of the water gap.
机译:Androcalva perlaria C.F.F.Wilkins是西澳大利亚西南部仅有四个孤立的湿地发生的严重受威胁的物种,野生留在野外的100名已知植物(Nikabadi Ef Al 2010)。了解种子生态学是特别重要的是,鉴于种子休眠和发芽对新幼苗的影响,以及持久性土壤种子库可以在植物群体的长期活力中发挥的作用(Cochrane Ef Al 2007)。本研究阐述了对这种物种的种子生态学的详细了解,以帮助现场和未来的恢复计划。它鉴定了包括种子休眠类型,最佳培养条件,温度和水分对休眠的影响的关键种子特征,原位种子持久性和水间隙的位置。



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