首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advanced Materials Research >Degree of Reaction and Alkali-Leaching of Geopolymer Containing Ca-Rich Source Material and Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate

Degree of Reaction and Alkali-Leaching of Geopolymer Containing Ca-Rich Source Material and Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate




Disparity of anion and cation in geopolymer framework may result in the formation of efflorescence on the surface of hardened geopolymer specimen. The existence of efflorescence would be intensified with the use of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) as a chemical retarder for geopolymer mixture. In this study, paper mill sludge ash (PMSA) was used as a Ca-rich aluminosilicate source to reduce the development of efflorescence crystals. PMSA was utilized to partially replace fly ash at 5% and 10% (by weight of fly ash). Meanwhile, K_2HPO_4 was used as the external agent with various proportions, which were 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.5% (by weight of fly ash). The external agent in this study was purposed to extend the setting time and enhance the mechanical properties of geopolymer. Fly ash and PMSA (if any) were activated by reacting them with 6M sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution. Freshly cast specimens were cured for 24 hours in electronic oven with the temperature setting of 30°C and 90°C. They were demoulded after 24 h and kept at room temperature (28±2 °C) until the testing day. Evaluation on the setting time characteristic of fresh geopolymer mortar was conducted with Vicat test while degree of reaction was performed on the hardened specimens to measure the reaction of fly ash during geopolymerization. Based on the experimental result, the inclusion of 5% PMSA shows the greatest effect in reducing the development of efflorescence crystal and increase the degree of reaction of geopolymer system. It is presumed that PMSA has altered the geopolymerization process by activating calcium oxide precursors to form three tetrahedral structures in the framework.
机译:Geo聚物框架中的阴离子和阳离子的差异可能导致硬化地质聚合物样本表面的膨胀。利用磷酸二钾(K2HPO4)作为地质聚合物混合物的化学阻燃剂,将加强兴坏的存在。在该研究中,造纸厂污泥灰(PMSA)用作富含Ca的硅铝酸盐源,以减少膨胀晶体的发育。 PMSA用于部分替代5%和10%(重量粉煤灰)的粉煤灰。同时,K_2HPO_4用作具有各种比例的外部剂,为0.1%,0.3%和0.5%(重量粉煤灰)。本研究中的外部剂被用来延长设定时间并增强地质聚合物的机械性能。通过用6M氢氧化钠和硅酸钠溶液反应来激活飞灰和PMSA(如果有)。将新鲜铸造的标本固化在电子烤箱中24小时,温度设定为30°C和90°C。它们在24小时后拆下并在室温(28±2°C)保持在测试日期。用VICAT试验进行新鲜地缘砂浆的凝固时间特征的评价,同时对硬化试样进行反应程度,以测量粉煤灰在地质聚合物期间的反应。基于实验结果,包含5%PMSA显示出在降低兴隆晶体的发育中的最大效果,增加了地缘聚合物系统的反应程度。假设PMSA通过激活氧化钙前体以形成框架中的三个四面体结构来改变地缘聚合物化过程。



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