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Facilitating market access for producers: addressing market access requirements, evolving consumer needs, and trends in product development and distribution




As one of the most highly traded food commodities, fish and fishery products form a sector that is continuing to evolve. Trends in production, trade and consumption are significantly impacting prices, product development, distribution and most notably, overall market access for producers. This paper provides a comprehensive summary of these important and emerging trends while also exploring evident consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviours around seafood. These findings represent a tremendous opportunity for the seafood sector to analyze, interpret and adapt to changes in order to remain one of the most dynamic segments in global food trade. In addition, the paper presents a useful background on the current state of the seafood sector that will enable policy-makers to make informed decisions to move fish and fishery products forward in an effective way.Major findings on production, consumption, trade, value-chains and consumer behaviour are presented. Total world fish production continues to grow, primarily due to increases in aquaculture. Consumption of fish and fish products has risen steadily, withurbanization and the growth of modern distribution channels increasing the potential availability of fish to the world's consumers. The trade outlook remains positive, with a rising share of production from both developed and developing countries entering international markets. China is by far the largest fish exporter, but imports are rapidly growing. Other major importers include the United States of America, Japan and the European Union. With the fisheries value chain becoming increasingly globalized, production and processing are increasingly being outsourced, mostly to Asia.Switching perspectives from producers to consumers, some general attitudes emerge. Consumers increasingly express concerns about sustainability issues, especially overfishing. Research into consumer attitudes and behaviour confirms this, and it is predicted that sustainability will continue to gain importance. The opportunity exists for the seafood industry to build on sustainability standards, allowing consumers to understand them more clearly.Based on this in-depth analysis of the seafood sector, some key recommendations are presented as to how the sector can continue to promote growth as well as how governments can be more effective in their support. Their wider implications include facilitating market access for producers and satisfying evolving consumer needs.
机译:作为最具高度交易的食品商品之一,鱼类和渔业产品形成了一个持续发展的部门。生产,贸易和消费趋势显着影响价格,产品开发,分销,最值得注意的是生产者的整体市场准入。本文提供了这些重要和新兴趋势的全面摘要,同时还探讨了海鲜周围的明显消费者态度和采购行为。这些调查结果代表了海鲜部门的巨大机会,分析,解释和适应变化,以便留在全球粮食贸易中最具活力的细分市场之一。此外,本文提出了关于海鲜部门的当前状态的有用背景,使得能够使政策制定者能够以有效的方式向渔业产品前进,以有效的方式移动鱼类和渔业产品.MAJOR关于​​生产,消费,贸易,价值的调查结果 - 提出了链和消费者行为。世界总鱼类产量持续增长,主要是由于水产养殖的增加。鱼类和鱼类产品的消费稳步上升,苏风化和现代分销渠道的增长,增加了鱼类到世界消费者的潜在可用性。贸易展望仍然是积极的,从发达国家和发展中国家进入国际市场的生产份额增加。中国是迄今为止最大的鱼出口国,但进口迅速增长。其他主要进口商包括美利坚合众国,日本和欧盟。随着渔业价值链变得越来越全球化,生产和加工越来越多地外包,主要是亚洲。从生产者到消费者的开关观点,一些一般态度出现。消费者越来越明显对可持续性问题的担忧,特别是过度捕捞。消费者态度和行为的研究证实了这一点,据预测,可持续性将继续增强。海鲜行业的机会存在于可持续发展标准上,使消费者更加清楚地了解它们。基于对海鲜部门的深入分析,一些关键建议介绍了该部门如何继续促进增长作为政府在支持方面如何更有效。他们更广泛的影响包括促进生产者的市场准入并满足不断发展的消费者需求。



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